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Becoming Catholic

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

The Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA) is an entrance process into the Catholic way of life. An Inquiry period is held every fall for anyone curious about the Catholic faith or anyone interested in joining the church. After this period of basic introduction, participants who wish to join the faith, start their formation by meeting  weekly.  Participants will attend Sunday Mass, study the scriptures, as well as the teachings and the traditions of the Catholic Church. Individuals, who discern their readiness, prepare for the Easter sacraments and join at the Easter Vigil.  This journey is designed to lovingly support those who are seeking to know, understand, and live the Catholic faith. All are welcome!

OCIA classes will begin Sunday, September 15, 2024 at 9:45 am in the Knights of Columbus Building.
Come and See!

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