In August of 1980, St. Thomas the Apostle Parish was formed by the Diocese of Corpus Christi on approximately ten acres of land on FM 624, in the rapidly growing community of Riverside. Fr. Louis Joseph was given the task of starting the church. Initially, Sunday Masses were said in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Marek and Dr. and Mrs. Walter Hartman. As more people joined, the Pax Christi Residence for Girls and Magee Elementary School cafeteria served as temporary meeting places for Masses until the rectory was built.
On December 20, 1982, the parish rectory was blessed and dedicated by Bishop Thomas Drury. The rectory also served as the parish's religious education center and meeting hall. In 1984, the Sarita Kenedy East religious education center was built. Then, the Immaculate Conception Hall was built in 1988.